Midlands State University Libraries

Law Library

Mafa Kwanisai Mafa

Today's Opening Times

Law Library

The Law Library is located at the MSU’s Law campus. The Library serves students and staff of the Faculty of Law only.The library has its own Electronic resource center with a capacity of 60 students at any given time

Borrowing Priviledges

Item CategoryAcademic Staff Non Academic StaffStudents
Open Shelf Books 642
Reserve Books221
Core Collection111
Dissertations (In-House use only)111

Loan Periods and Fines

Collection CategoryStudentsTeaching StaffNon-Teaching StaffOverdue Fine
Open-Shelf Books1 Week4 Weeks 4 Weeks$ 1 per day
Reserve Books1 Day2 Weeks2 Weeks$ 1 per day
Core Collection3 Days2 Weeks2 Weeks$ 1 per day
Dissertations and Thesis2 hours2 hours2 hours$ 1 per hour