Midlands State University Libraries

School Of Social Work



Welcome to School Of Social Work guide – the ultimate resource hub specifically designed for students enrolled in Social Work program. This guide is your gateway to a wide range of hardcopy and electronic resources, offering comprehensive support throughout your academic journey. You can explore various materials, including e-journals, e-books, dissertations/theses, research papers, conference papers, public lectures, speeches, and seminar presentations, all carefully curated to meet your unique information needs within the School.

What are the Library’s Service Standards?

The Midlands
State University Library, located within the School of Social Work, is
dedicated to offering exceptional services to our users. We highly appreciate
customer feedback and use it to improve our performance and provide services
that meet the needs of our clients. To support this commitment, we have
developed a Service
 that guides us in serving our users, behaving professionally,
and holding ourselves accountable for our actions. The Charter also showcases
our firm commitment to valuing our customers by offering them a memorable
experience, ensuring every customer interaction ends with a positive

Client Expectations

Expect from us:

  • Prompt and courteous service
  • Helpful, well-trained staff who will treat you with respect
  • Fair and equitable access to our collections and services
  • Collections which aim to meet your needs and are well-maintained and accessible

 Library Expectation

Help us to help you by:

  • Treating other people in the library with respect and courtesy, whether these are other clients or library staff
  • Treating library facilities, equipment, collections and property with due care
  • Assisting staff understand your needs clearly
  • Providing us with feedback on how we may improve our services or we can resolve a specific service problem

Access to Library Resources

The Library has a wide-ranging and interdisciplinary collection that caters to all academic programs offered by the School Of Social Work. To access the library, you must be a registered student or an employee of the School Of Social Work at MSU. Non-MSU students or staff can request access by paying the necessary fees and obtaining formal approval as ‘Approved Readers.’ Borrowing privileges vary based on the client’s category, ensuring personalised access to resources for each academic program within the  School Of Social Work. To optimise your research and study experience, we recommend familiarising yourself with the specific borrowing privileges corresponding to your status within the faculty.

  1. Teaching staff – Allowed to borrow a maximum of 8 books for one month.
  2. Non-Teaching staff – Allowed to borrow a maximum of 6 books at a time for one month.
  3. Postgraduate students – Allowed to borrow a maximum of 3 books at a time for seven days.
  4. Undergraduate students – Allowed to borrow a maximum of 3 books at a time for seven days.
  5. Approved readers – Do not have any borrowing rights. They are only allowed access to library materials within the building.

Ms Florence Jeke

Contact Details:

Office Extension : 3171
Cell: 0773684650

Opening Times