Midlands State University Libraries

    ABC Chemistry

    This is a directory of free full text journals in Chemistry.

    Academic Journals

    International in scope - covering the sciences (biological, social, medical), art, education and legal journals.

    Accredited Open Access Journals - South Africa (AOAJSA)

    AOAJSA is a list of open access journals acknowledged by the South African Department of Education and which qualify for university subsidy.

    ACM Digital Library

    The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing the Full-Text Collection of all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books. The database focused exclusively on the field of computing.

    Acoustical Society of America

    Subject Strengths Acoustics General Linear Acoustics Nonlinear Acoustics Atmospheric Acoustics and Aeroacoustics Underwater Sound Ultrasonics and Physical Acoustics Transduction, Acoustical Measurements, Instrumentation, Applied Acoustics Structural Acoustics and Vibration Noise: Effects and Control Architectural Acoustics Acoustic Signal Processing Physiological Acoustics Psychological Acoustics Speech Production Speech Perception

    ACS Digital Library

    The ACS Digital Library provides international quality magazines, journal articles and conference papers, covering innovative research and practice in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). This service is provided free to the ICT profession by the Australian Computer Society (ACS) as part of its commitment to ensure the beneficial use of technology for the community.

    Africa Portal

    Africa Portal curates a comprehensive collection of research material. The entire repository is open access, equipped with a sophisticated search function and available for free, full-text download. The material covers Mining, Management, Mechanics, and Information Technology. Related Subjects: Climate change, Economics, Energy and Environment, Mining, Management, Mechanics, Information Technology.

    Africa Spectrum

    Africa Spectrum was first published in 1966 by the GIGA Institute of African Affairs (IAA) in Hamburg. It is an inter-disciplinary journal dedicated to scientific exchange between the continents. The journal focuses on socially relevant issues related to political, economic and socio-cultural problems and events in Africa as well as on Africa's role within the international system.

    African e-Journals Project

    The African e-Journals Project has digitized full text of articles of 13 social science and humanities journals published in Africa.

    African Journals OnLine

    AJOL is a database of journals published in Africa, covering the full range of academic disciplines. The objective of AJOL is to give greater visibility to the participating journals, and to the research they convey by providing access to tables of contents and abstracts on the Internet, links to full text (if available) plus document delivery of paper articles, which is subsidised to developing countries. Journals are included on the basis of their quality of content and proven record of regular publication.


    Full-text scholarly literature in agricultural and applied economics, including: Working papers, Conference papers, Journal articles.


    AGRICOLA provides access to publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences.


    Promoting accessibility of scientific information and digital data in food & agriculture, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has provided support to its member countries to make their research outputs visible and accessible through the International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS); one of the most comprehensive search engines in food and agricultural scientific literature providing free access to millions of bibliographic records. AGRIS indexes bibliographic references but does not store the full text articles. However, AGRIS includes available links via a clickable icon next to ‘Access the full text’; displayed on the right side of the screen on the description of the resource page. Resources submitted before 2010 might not have the link. Related subjects: Agriculture, Food Science, Agriculture science and technology


    Aluka provides e-journals in History, Art, African Studies, Geography, Labour Studies and Archaeology.

    American Association for Artificial Intelligence publications

    The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence and The MIT Press established the AAAI Press in 1989 as a publishing imprint founded to serve the information needs of the international AI community as well as to stay abreast of significant new research and literature across the entire field of artificial intelligence.


    The American Chemical Society provides Chemical and Engineering news ACS Legacy Archives, the ACS Symposium Series and over 40 journal titles in Environment, Food and Agriculture, Health, Medicine and Technology.

    American Digital Archive of the Jewish Experience.

    ADAJE: American Digital Archive of the Jewish Experience is an electronic repository of digitized American Jewish periodicals. Founded in 1892, The American Jewish Historical Society (AJHS) is the oldest national ethnic historical organization in the nation.

    American Institute of Physics (AIP)

    AIP publishes 12 journals, 2 magazines, and a conference proceedings series. AIP's Scitation platform hosts over 2 million articles from more than 200 scholarly publications for 28 earned society publishers. Highly cited, highly respected, and highly relevant, AIP's archival journals are the cornerstone of many physics collections.

    American Physical Society

    The American Physical Society is one of nine publishers participating in a CrossRef pilot project that uses Google to provide full-text searching of scholarly research. This database contains physical science documents only. Related Subjects: Electrical Principles, Physics, Mechanics, Physical Review, PRX Quantum, Reviews of Modern Physics, Physical Review Research, Accelerators and Beams, Applied Physics, Fluids, Materials, Physics Education Research.

    American Society of Agricultural and biological Engineers

    This database provides access to journals covering such fields as Agricultural Engineering, Biology and Life Science.

    Annual Reviews

    Annual Reviews provides access to journals covering three broad disciplines. In Biomedical and Life Sciences, it provides access journals covering the following subjects: Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Biophysics, Cell and Developmental Biology, Chemical and Bio molecular Engineering, Clinical Psychology, Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, Entomology, Food Science and Technology, Genetics, Genomics and Human Genetics, Immunology, Marine Science, Medicine, Microbiology, Neuroscience, Nutrition, Pathology, Mechanisms of Disease, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Physiology, Phytopathology, Plant Biology, Psychology and Public Health. It also provides access to the following Physical Science subjects: Analytical Chemistry, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Biomedical Engineering, Biophysics, Chemical and bio molecular Engineering, Computer Science, Condensed Matter Physics, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environment and Resources, Fluid Mechanics, Marine Science, Materials Research, Nuclear and Particle Science and Physical Chemistry. In Social Sciences it provides access to journals covering the following subjects: Anthropology, Clinical Psychology, Economics, Environment and Resources, Financial Economics, Law and Social Science, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health, Resource Economics and Sociology.

    Applied Medical Informatics

    Applied Medical Informatics (Appl Med Inform) publishes high quality original articles and reviews in English language in the field of medical informatics and applications of information technology in medicine, dentistry and pharmacy; medical, dentistry and pharmacology statistics; clinical and preclinical research that use statistics and informatics approaches; medical, dentistry and pharmacology research methodology. The interdisciplinary areas of the journals are as: Probabilities and statistics, Modelling and Calculus Theory, Software Systems, Organization of calculus systems, Biochemistry, Biophysics and Mathematical Physics, Computer Science and Information Technology, Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy.

    Archives of Biomedical Sciences

    The aim of Archives of Biomedical Sciences (ABMS) is to provide the platform for exchange of scientific progress in the field of Medicine and Medical Biology, and to do so at the highest possible level. The ABMS also aims to facilitate the application of new scientific knowledge to the daily practice of the concerned disciplines and addresses both researchers and academics.Its scope encompasses: physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, immunology, molecular biology, cell biology, histology, genetics, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, and other aspects of medical biology.

    Archives of metallurgy

    Archives of Metallurgy and Materials is a quarterly magazine of Polish Academy of Sciences, that has published scientific papers in English for over fifty-five years. Related Subjects: Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy, Metallurgical Assay.

    Archives of Mining Sciences

    Archives of Mining Sciences (AMS) publish research results of wide interest in all fields of mining sciences which include: rock mechanics, mining engineering, mineral processing, geotechnical engineering and tunnelling, mining and engineering geology, mining geodesy and geophysics, ventilation systems, environmental protection in mining and economical aspects in mining. Related Subjects: Mining, Mining Geology, Mine Ventilation & Environmental Engineering, Mine Survey, Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy, Metallurgical Assay.


    Artstor provides faculty and students with a complete image resource in a wide array of subjects with the breadth and depth to add context beyond the confines of your discipline. Artstor also supports study across disciplines, including anthropology from Harvard’s Peabody Museum, archaeology from Erich Lessing Culture and Fine Art Archives, and modern history from Magnum Photos, making it a resource for your whole institution.


    This databse contains e-prints in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Qualitative Finance and Statistics

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